Back from Alaska
FORMER University of Washington gridder and ex-Franklin High School mentor, Lieut. Doug Kirk boarded the Pasco NAS last Sunday for duty here in the Welfare & Recreational Department. . . . Lieut. Kirk arrived here from the Northern Theatre where he was Welfare Officer at an Alaskan Naval Base . . . He played for Coach Enoch Bagshaw at the U.W. way back in 1924 and '25 . . . then went into the coaching business . . . teaching the Franklin prepsters foottball and track . . . he's also well known in Seattle as a sports official . . . the NAS lost a goodly number of its first rate athletics in the drafts that rolled out during the past seven days . . . Ex-Pasco Flyers baseballers Mike Budnick and Bill Scoppetone headed for the Hoosier state and duty at the naval Air Station at Bunker Hill . . . a few miles outside of Peru, Indiana . . . Jimmy Reese the ex- Wyoming, University national basketball Champion wonder-boy left for the East and added Tarmac training at Monmoputh College in Illinois . . . fitting climax to Reese's basketball hoop carrer [sic] at Pasco was last Friday night when he scored 19 points to help lick the Whitman College V-12 Missionaries in Walla Walla . . .
JUST because both officials for the recent Ellensburg-Pasco Flyer hoop game here were Navy men didn't mean that the Sailors could expect the breaks . . . That's evident from number of fouls called on the Flyers — some fifteen in all - while the Saoldiers heard the foul whistle blow only nine times . . . the officials were CPO's W. W. Webster and Harold Lewis . . .
LEVI McCORMACK, ex-Pasco aviation ordnanceman who is now serving at a Navy operational base somewhere in the N.W., writes "I've learned a lot since I've been here but I'm still a littl;e green . . .I'm getting lots of action and that's what I wanted" . . . news of two other ex-NASites comes from former Sky-Writer Simon Legree Jack Ryan, QM-3c, who drops us a line from a Navy Gunnery School station in Caliiornia . . . "remember Harry Swetnam . . . and George Winder of the MAA detail?" . . . . asks Ryan . . . "well, now they're serving with a Navy Commando unit somewhere in the South Pacific" ... and from the Naval Training School at Bainbridge, Maryland come reports of how Hunk Anderson, Bob Svendsen and Vince Pesky are faring . . . the trio completed their training the the other day and are awaiting transfer to new stations . . .Hunk's an Athletic Specialist first class now; Svendsen received a second class rating while young Vince had to be satifsied with a SP. (A) 3c for his sleeve . . . another former Pasco Flyer basebailer, Bob Kahle Sp. (A) First Class, writes the Gas. House Gang from his new quarters at Terminal Island, California to say . . . "this was a real break for me. . . I'm only a few miles from home.
[From the "webmaster": The following article was on the same page as Jack's weekly column and due to the byline is presented here.]
Playing his last game for the Pasco Naval Air Station, Jimmy Reese put on a one-man show last Friday night in Walla Walla, potting nineteen markers to lead his Tarmac team mates to a 47-42 victory over Whitman College's V-12 Trainees.
The former Wyoming University forward broke thru a tight Whitman College defense in the second half after the halftime score found the Tarmacs trailing by seven points, 17-24.
His seven field goals in rapid succession pulled the Pasco quint out of the red.
Closest the Tarmacs had been to the Whits prior to Reese's spree was early in the game when the score stood 15-16.
Reese worked both sides of the court smoothly shooting equally well with both hands and bombing the net with a nonchalance that belied his speed.
The second half spurt moved Pasco ahead 36-32, a lead they never lost. Fellow Tarmacs Walt Lundberg and Jack Evans were no slouches in supporting the flashy Reese, looping in 10 counters apiece in the fray.
Johnny Vaughn, frosh Missionary forward, paced the game for the losers with 12 points. With the score 47-36 in the final minutes Whitmanites sank three field goals to bring the game to a roaring conclusion.
Whitman 42 Pos. Pasco 47
Vaughn 12 ... F ___19 Reest
Hass 5 ............F.........2 Scott
Bothwell 8 .. C........10 Evans
Pennington 8 G -—.2 Reider
Thompson 2 G 10 Lundberg
Subs: Whitman— Tenney, Pavich 3, Young, Wilhelm,
Todd 4, Webster;
Pasco — Gjlpiti, Boitano 4, Hiatt, Hodgins.
Referees: Monahan and Soper.
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