Lee Mason
PURELY PERSONAL—A-1 proof that Lieut W. W. McKalip's Athletic program for Pasco NAS sailors is a success can be found in Seaman First Class Gabby Mathews, former Portland youth who has participated in nearly every sport that the station has offered ... Mathews didn't earn a name for himself on the field of sport for individual stardom as did other NAS athletes such as Edo Vanni, Johnny Bittner and Bob Svendsen ... but when it came to being an all-around sports enthusiast, Gabby rates at the top of the list ... he played football for the Pasco Flyer eleven as well as lending the athletic talents he mastered while here to his departmental softball, basketball and bowling teams ... he also took advantage of the NAS pool and became an expert swimmer ... Gabby was transferred to the NAS, Olathe, Kansas, last week but the example he set should serve as incentive to his shipmates to spend leisure time in the pursuit of healthy recreation by participating in competitive athletics aboard this station ... Johnny Kinney, Sp(A)3c writes us to tell the gang he's down with Scarlet Fever in a Naval Dispensary at Bainbridge . . . "and here I thought it was just a kid disease," pens the ex-Ice Follies skating star ... New Pasco sailor Aviation Radioman Lee Mason ... the lad who climbed back aboard the sinking carrier USS Lexington to eat ice cream when an under-current made swimming away from the vessel almost impossible ... used to be a semi-pro ball player with the St. Louis Bulldogs ... Butch Conklin, BMlc is the new high scorer for single game efforts in the NAS pin circuit ... he bowled a 245 game the other p.m. for his MAA mates ... wonder if Chief Marv Harshman will recruit Kenny McLeod for his Pasco Flyer team next Saturday night when the Flyers meet the Pendleton Army five? ...
THE BEST Laurel wreath that Lt. (jg) Bob Buckley could dig up went to Harry Keegstra, Ship's Cook Third Class for his feat last Saturday of being the first enlisted man to pass the Swimming Pool's triple-A test . . . incidentally Keegstra swam the mile . . . that's across the pool seventy-seven times, gents . . . in a little less than thirty minutes.
WHAT'S DOING at nearby Naval Stations? ... At Sand Point Coach Dude Graham has scheduled two games with the U. W. Huskies for his Navy Flyers ... they play in the 'U' Pavilion Dec. 4 and aboard the station on Dec. 11 ... over at the Receiving Ship Bremerton a station Boxing show in the Recreation Building Auditorium drew the largest crowd in the Station's history ... the bouts were refereed by Commander Sass ... Regimental football games are keeping the Farragut NTS sailors grid-happy these chilly days at the Idaho establishment ... the NTS has a five team Regimental league and a three-team/Ship's Company loop ...
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