TOP—Paul Bunyan, himself, poses with Johnny O'Brien, Seattle University, who proudly holds the Paul Bunyan Plaque he won in the Ninth Annual competition. The contest judges are at left and next to Johnny is Jack Gordon, director of S.U. Athletic News Service, who won a Special Recognition award. Chamber President Phil A. Strack is at far right.
CENTER—Part of the Frederick & Nelson display which carried off top honors in the Advertising Campaign classification.
LOWER—Union Oil Co. representatives are shown here with Paul Bunyan, posing before their prize-winning exhibit. Left to right are Mill Gudrun Larsen, T. G. Wise and Howard R. Webb.
TOP—Prize winners posing with Paul Bunyan are, standing left to right, W. R. Wiley, West-Marquis, Inc.; T. G. Wise, Union Oil Co.; Paul Bunyan; Miss Gudrun Larsen, Union Oil Co., and Ralph Hamilton, P. T. & T. Co. Kneeling, left to right, are H. O. Stone, Rotary Club of Seattle; Johnny O'Brien, of Seattle University; Jack Gordon, S.U. Director of Athletic News, and H. H. Maschmedt, Curtis Circulation Co.
CENTER—Geoffery I. Edgelow, chairman of the judges, poses with Paul Bunyan, impersonated by Frederick Lloyd, and Ralph B. Hamilton (right) of the Telephone Co., before the latter's exhibit.
LOWER—General Petroleum Corp. officials view part of their prize-winning exhibit. Left to right: F. C. Meunier, R. Giske and W. R. Wiley.
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