Home > Jack Gordon's Family > Amelia (Amy)

Jack Gordon




Jack's Granddaughter Amelia (a/k/a Ame)

Ame at 8

Here's Amy at about 8 from the front page of her mom's newspaper, Child's Play.


Ame fishing

Amy looking all "fishery" on her grandparents' boat. She was fishing with Grandpa Bruce in the Straits of Juan de Fuca off of Port Angeles.


Ame as a Page for Se. vonReichbauer in Olympia

While in high school, Ame served as a page in the state legislature for Speaker O'Brien. She did so well that she was asked to come back and serve two weeks as Senator vonReichbauer's page.


Ame hanging out

"Hi, Here I am, just hanging out in Pomeroy" says Ame.


Ame, Merina, Beverly

Here we have Ame, Merina, and Beverly.


Ame's Kids at NA Miss, Bellevue, 2010

At the 2008 Washington State N.A.Miss Pageant that Brittany Ann was Top 5 Spokesmodel at, are Amy's kids Chris, Thomas, Victoria, a friend, and Mike, who was irritated because he wasn't going out to dinner.







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