From Roberta's photo album comes this nice picture of her with mother and father.
Graduating from Immaculate High School.
Also from Robert's photo album we have Frances, Roberta, a friend, and Louise. I think they're on the sidewalk in front of 2302 Dearborn.
Spring of 1947 and shortly after they became engaged are Jack with Seattle College grad Roberta. She was in the last class of SC, before it became SU.
Another shot from From Roberta's photo album.
Roberta Gordon and her brother Jim Walsh, seen in 1950 in sunny Torrance, Calif., at a party sponsored by the Pittsburgh Paint Co.
In the early 50s after the Gordons returned from Washington, D.C., we have this family view of brother Jim, Roberta, her mom, Irene and little Kathleen.
Still in the early 50's in front of Irene's house on 39th are Roberta and her mother-in-law Mabel (Mary Ann) Gordon.
Always a lover of music, Roberta is here playing the piano upstairs on 44th Pl NE.
This picture's just a tad bit scary. From the apparent ages of Lori Erickson and Mary Gordon, this would be early 1960s. I think she got her driver's license several years later. Good thing Mary was strapped in.
Taken in 1966 in front of Louise Smith's house on 34th NE are Roberta and her mom..
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a salute to John F "Jack" Gordon, Mr. Seattle
Copyright © 2010-2012 John R. Gordon