Jack Gordon




The Walsh Family in the 1940s 


(I'm dating these photos by the apparent age of Richard (Please don't call me Dickie), the youngest of Edward and Bettie's children. I seem to find it easier to pick/guess the age of a child than a teenager or adult. )

The Edward Walsh Family in 1941

1941 (left to right) Are Edward, Thecla (Bettie), William, Louise, Jack, Frances, Roberta, Jim, Irene, Bettie, and Richard.



The Edward Walsh Family in 1947

Now we're going to jump to 1947 (Dick looks about 9) and (again, left to right) Are Edward, Louise, Will(iam), Roberta, Jack, Grandma Bettie with Dick in front, Frances, Jim, Bettie, and Irene.


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a salute to John F "Jack" Gordon, Mr. Seattle