Home > Navy > Navy Columns > Swabbin' The Deck, February 9, 1944

Jack Gordon







Swabbin' the Deck with Jack Gordon, S1c

with Jack Gordon

WITH THE MAN of the year contest safely tucked away in another column of type, we'll try to divert your interest towards the problem of interesting the station's newcomers in the competitive sports setup here.

Since the groundhog didn't see his shadow last February 2, indicative of an early spring let's take a tip from the woodchuck and see what the customers think of an intra-station baseball league!

Right off the bat there's the equipment problem—providing gear for a four or eight-team league is no cinch. But Lieut. W. W. McKalip, Athletic Director, has always done his best to give the men any sport which they want—and if enough interest is shown by the squadron and stationkeeper sports fans in the proposed league—it goes almost without saying that "it's in the bag."

Baseball, by popular vote is rated among servicemen as the No. 1 sports-participation game. And that goes for the bleacher umpires.

The plan presents another problem beside equipment. A place to play.

The league games would naturally have to be played on off-duty time. Which would mean late-afternoon games. The Pasco High School field, which was used by the famed Pasco Flyer nine last season, if, properly cared for might be available again this year.

But before we cross the bridge of equipment and ball parks, let's hear from you would-be Lefty Groves and Joe Phans.

Would you like a station baseball league?

Drop us a line 'cause, after all, it's up to you to decide.

ACKNOWLEGEMENTS DEPARTMENT—Our sincere thanks go to the judges of our Man of the Year contest, Lieuts. Douglas Kirk, William Culliton, W. W. McKalip and Karl Monson . . . and an extra bouquet to Mr. Monson who arranged a tasty banquet for the candidates, judges and guests.

NIG BORLESKE, the Whitman College coach, dropped this bee in our bonnet at the recent Flyer-Whitman game. ... It seems Nig wants to pit his V-12 boxers against the Pasco fighters . . . but an all-Navy match either here or in Walla Walla will take training and that's a department that is up to you squadron and stationkeepers and Chief Stent . . . if you're interested a call most any time at the Drill Hall will start you on the way towards getting in shape. . . The Navy Department reports this week that Lt. Col. Bernie Bierman, USMCR, is now on duty as athletic director at the Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Florida. . . . Hank Luisetti scored 52 points for the St. Mary's College Navy Airdevils in two games last week but the California fans haven't seen anything yet ... a few years back, if memory serves us right, Luisetti was the lad who rolled up 50 points for Stanford against Duquense . . . the best fan any Pasco Flyer team ever had in the city of Pasco, Charlie Stoneberg, drops us a line this week with the hope that the current edition of the Flyer hoop squad will play in the downtown gym. . . . Vince Pesky, the ex-Flyer pitcher was in a writing mood this week, too, scribbling from his new station at the NAS, Seattle where he's working in the Athletic Department with Hunk Anderson and Bob Swendsen, an ex-NASites. . . .








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