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Jack Gordon








The Pictorial Cover of the NAS Pasco Sky-Writer, October 27, 1943


The NAS Pasco Sky-Writer, October 27, 1943, page 1



Sky-Writer Has A Birthday

Congratulations to the Sky-Writer on its first anniversary. It has grown with the station over the year past and its news columns and all around appeal have gone far in developing the necessary morale. The Sky-Writer is my favorite Navy publication and I am sure all hands join me in that sentiment.

Commander, A-V(G),
USNR Commanding.

The Sky-Writer passed the first milestone in its war­time career as issue No. 52 rolled off the presses today.

The first edition of the Sky-Writer was published on November 3 of last year on regulation tabloid size newsprint under the guidance of Public Relations Officer Lt. Willard Bergh (detached) and Editor Jack Ryan QM 3c.

For fifteen issues the Sky-Writer retained its tabloid size then reverted to a smaller size on February 16 under NAPTC ruling which regulates that all NAS newspapers be 9 by 12 inches in size. Later regulations reduced the station newspaper to its present size, 8 by 10 inches standardizing the Sky-Writer with the form adopted by other NAPT Command newspapers.

Most of the original staff have been transferred to new duties. Editor Ryan going to sea-duty recently, Feature Editor Max Greene Y3c receiving a Commission in the USNR and transferring to the Tucson officer's training school. Other staff members, Jack Sullivan S1c, Gerry Moffett AMM 3c and Harriet Fields S2c received new duties.

The Sky-Writer is published weekly on Tuesday in the shop of The Pasco Herald where the Sky-Writer staff in cooperation with the Herald crew compose the paper. Offices of The Sky-Writer are in the Recreation Hall aboard the NAS.


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