Between the Opera House and the Playhouse, the 40,400-square-foot Exhibit Hall offers a variety of uses, ranging from shows and large displays to a food-service facility for more than 3,000 persons.
During the Fair, the Exhibit Hall housed the extremely popular World of Art, and many of the more popular sculptures remain here.
Its cast concrete V-roof beams are strong enough to support a hanging airplane, making them useful for large exhibits and mobile displays.
The Display Hall, located under the main floor of the Opera House, is used for trade shows, collectors events, wrestling and horse shows. It is entered directly from Mercer Street.
A new and outstanding type of parking facility services the entire Mercer Street complex of buildings. Orginated by Norman G. Jacobson and Associates of Seattle, the parking garage is a four-story building, 540 x 240 feet, with parking space for 1,505 cars. Built at a total cost of $1,070 per stall, the garage cost is nearly 50% below the national average.
With all traffic one way, maximum grades of six per cent, all parking down grade, and sufficient entrance-egress points to permit filling or emptying in 15-20 minutes, this garage sets the pattern for future mass automobile handling.
A 200-unit exhibit of paintings and sculpture by leading Northwest artists will highlight the new Seattle Center Art Museum, located South of the Coliseum, in Building 9.
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