Gordon Leads Welcome Home to The Old Reliables, 1969

The 9th Infantry Division (The Old Reliables) is welomed home to America in Seattle. (see below for identifications)
The 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry, of the "Old Reliables" (9th Infantry Division) arrived in Seattle on July 8, 1969. They were met by Army Chief of Staff Westmoreland . Hoping to recreate the patriotism and civic welcomes that he created for Welcome Lane and the Korean War veterans in 1951-53, Jack Gordon (behind the podium with a white nametag) arranged a parade and civic welcome, shown here at the main downtown branch of the library. The Battalion was honored by the Chamber of Commerce with a baked salmon dinner.
Unfortunately, the times were different than they were in the early 50's and a large number of malcontents, college students, and other troublemakers decided that rather than honoring the returning men for their service it was more fun to insult the soldiers and clog up the freeways.
The soldier
standing at attention to the right of the girl wearing the crown has been identified
Sgt. Harold Bly of Myrtle Beach, S.C. "Sgt. Bly was my platoon sgt. (3rd platoon, B company, 3/60th
Inf.) He was one of the best platoon sgt.'s in the M.R.F. and was recognized as
one of the most decorated men in the division," according to
Harold Hector,
1Lt. B Co. 3/60.
As of July, 2024, more information on the 9th Infantry from World War I through to the present can
be found at their website.