Home > Jack Gordon welcomed visitors > 1960 Presidential Candidate Richard Nixon
Exclusive photo from Greater Seattle News Bureau, photo by Forde Photographers
(Left to Right) Jack Gordon of Greater Seattle (with mike), Pat Nixon, Vice President Nixon, Mort Frayn (back to camera), Seafair Prime Minister Sid Campbell (partially hidden by Frayn), Seafair Queen Carol Christensen, and Seafair King Ken Bowling.
Presidential candidate Nixon flew into Seattle in the afternoon of August 5, 1960. Jack Gordon and Mort Frayn were co-chairmen for the "Welcome for Nixon" at Sea-Tac Airport, which drew over 7,000 spectators to the airfield tarmac. (An article in the Seattle P-I a month later compared Nixon's crowd of 7,500 with the 3,000 drawn by candidate Kennedy.) Due to the crush of people to see the Vice President, the airport was closed for takeoffs and arrivals.
Exclusive photo from Greater Seattle News Bureau,
photo by Forde Photographers
Vice President and Presidential candidate Nixon spoke to the crowd with the ever-present "Seattle Seafair Skipper Pin" logo on the podium.
Exclusive photo from Greater Seattle News Bureau, photo by Forde Photographers
When the photographer backed up, you could see the Vice-President was joined on the platform by local dignitaries.
seattle times photo
A close-up of Nixon captured by a Seattle Times photographer.
As part of Frayn's thank you letter, enclosed with the local Nixon campaign's check for expenses incurred during the candidate's visit
are these words, "This is being written on Tuesday afternoon [November 8] before the results are in, but I feel confident we are going through..."
Unfortunately Chicago's mayor and the Kennedy clan had other plans.
(Click on letter to see larger view. Then use "back" button to return to this page.)
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