Jack Gordon




David L. Cohn,
longtime restaurant operator
1964 WSRA President and 1966 Man of the Year

Because he was president of the Restaurant Association in 1964 and then named Man of the Year at Jack's first (1966) Restaurant Convention, There weren't a whole lot of post-1966 pictures in the files. (Jack and Dave did work together on the 1960 ballot measure for a sports stadium in King County.) What I have are the photographs that were marked up for cropping and printing in the Allied Restaurant magazine. Thus, you'll see a lot of lines and arrows on some of the pictures.I could (or so I tell myself) 'photoshop' these marks away, but I feel that it's better to see the whole picture as the photographer intended and then crop it with your mind's eye by following the marks. Without further ado, here are some pictures of Dave while he was (probably) WSRA president.

Here's Dave Cohn's official WSRA Presidential Portrait.


This picture was ID'd as Dave, Don (Sander), and orphans.

Most likely taken during the Portland Restaurant Convention in 1965, here is a panel made up of Seattle restaurateur Eddie Mays, Paul Robinson, another Seattle Restaurant man Karl Monson, Dave Cohn (at podium), Portland's Page Yaw, all the way from Michigan is Win Shuler, and Portland Pizza man George Amato. Win Shuler is also featured here on this site.  Photo credit to Convention Photographers Northwest

Nobody bothered to ID anyone on the back of this picture, but from April,1966, we have a lot of young restaurant operators congratulating Dave on winning the prestigious Restaurant Man of the Year for 1966. Left to right are Lt. Gov. John Cherberg and Walter F. Clark seated, then standing are Dave Cohn,Marcia Rosellini,Janice Koskivich, and John Franco. Seated behind the podium is Leslie Scott.

You are at JackGordon.org,
a salute to John F "Jack" Gordon, Mr. Seattle