Jack Gordon.org

Seattle World's Fair Becomes the Seattle Center

As the Seattle World's Fair Grounds Become The Seattle Center



Summer activities, tailored to the widest possible range of Northwest interests, begin on the Center grounds June 1. In addition to the Arts and Crafts area and the Seattle Art museum, special centers include:

A music and dance pavilion in Building 4, with a series of free events from jazz and barbershop music to folk dancing and recitals. Hopefully, Sunday-evening "sings" can be held here.

A Collectors Center, in Building 5, with individual exhibits by organizations of model boat and car makers, lapidarists, collectors of coins and stamps, antiques, porcelains, glass dolls and buttons.

Building 6B is reserved for special events.

Senior citizens activities will be held in Buildings 1 and 2, the umbrella-shaped structures in the Northwest corner of the grounds. Here, the International banstand will remain for special events.

Artifacts and historical items from the Fair will be preserved in a portion of Building 4, with the Fair museum being planned by the Museum of History and Industry.

Next door, the Northwest Council of Camera Clubs presents a changing photographic show, and, next to them, a center for hobby and crafts groups, complementing both the Arts and Crafts Center and the Collectors Center. Color slides from the Fair will be shown daily.

In Building 37, the Hall of Industry, a major decoration and design show, sponsored by the American Institute of Designers, will be held. The exhibit will show some $250,000 worth of furnishings and accessories in 25 room settings. A nominal admission charge will be made for this event only.


The Coliseum -- Needle and Plaza -- Arts and Crafts







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a salute to John F "Jack" Gordon, Mr. Seattle
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